
Resumes for Dummies (9780764552267)

Dummies keep getting smarter. That's why we've updated Resumes For Dummies, 3rd Edition, to keep you one step ahead for the 21st century. Starting with all the tips and tricks you'll need to showcase your skills and abilities on paper, this edition also takes you into the world of the cyber-resume. Recent grads and veteran workers alike can benefit from the strategies, worksheets, and sage advice from author and nationally recognized careers expert Joyce Lain Kennedy. Whether you're sending online or off, you'll find out how to create resumes that dazzle with a strong first impression and leave a lasting impact with potential employers. From choosing the right resume style to putting the right spin on employment gaps, lack of experience, or frequent job hopping, Resumes For Dummies, 3rd Edition, brings you up to speed with everything you need for finding the right job in today's market. Product details ...

The Anatomy of Peace : How to Resolve the Heart of Conflict (9780141983929)

The Anatomy of Peace will instil hope and inspire reconciliation. Through a series of moving stories about once-bitter enemies reunited, it shows us how we routinely misunderstand the causes of conflict - and perpetuate the very problems we're trying to solve. The Anatomy of Peace shows you how to: - Focus on helping things go right, rather than 'fixing' things that go wrong - Think about others as people with fears of their own, not obstacles in your way - Stop worrying about how the world sees you - Learn to move away from blame and bitterness Product details Format Paperback | 288 pages Dimensions ...

Down and Out in Paris and London (9780141184388)

George Orwell's vivid memoir of his time living among the desperately poor and destitute, Down and Out in Paris and London is a moving tour of the underworld of society. 'You have talked so often of going to the dogs - and well, here are the dogs, and you have reached them.' Written when Orwell was a struggling writer in his twenties, it documents his 'first contact with poverty'. Here, he painstakingly documents a world of unrelenting drudgery and squalor - sleeping in bug-infested hostels and doss houses of last resort, working as a dishwasher in Paris's vile 'Hotel X', surviving on scraps and cigarette butts, living alongside tramps, a star-gazing pavement artist and a starving Russian ex-army captain. Exposing a shocking, previously-hidden world to his readers, Orwell gave a human face to the statistics of poverty for the first time - and in doing so, found his voice as a writer. Product details ...

PHP MySQL i JavaScript Wprowadzenie (9788328351493)

Trio: PHP, MySQL i JavaScript jest znane jako najwygodniejszy zestaw narzędzi do tworzenia dynamicznych stron internetowych, które do działania wymagają bazy danych. Mimo upływu lat i dynamicznego rozwoju konkurencyjnych technologii twórcy aplikacji WWW wciąż cenią PHP, MySQL i JavaScript za otwarte źródła, brak opłat za korzystanie, elastyczność i łatwość w nauce. Każdy ambitny programista posługujący się systemem Unix czy Linux z ser-werem Apache powinien zapoznać się z tymi narzędziami. W połączeniu z takimi technologiami jak jQuery, CSS i HTML5 pozwalają budować serwisy porównywalne z gigantami w rodzaju Facebooka, Twittera czy Gmaila. Ta książka jest kolejnym, uzupełnionym i zaktualizowanym wydaniem znakomitego wprowadzenia do projektowania dynamicznych stron internetowych. Oprócz przystępnego omówienia technik tworzenia responsywnych stron WWW znalazły się tu solidne podstawy PHP, MySQL, JavaScriptu, CSS i HTML5; opisano też możliwości bibliotek jQuery i jQuery Mobile. Pokazano, ...

The Elements of Style (9781979324458)

The Elements of Style is an American English writing style guide. It is one of the most influential and best-known prescriptive treatments of English grammar and usage in the United States. It originally detailed eight elementary rules of usage, ten elementary principles of composition, and "a few matters of form" as well as a list of commonly misused words and expressions. Updated editions of the paperback book are often required reading for American high school and college composition classes. Product details Format Paperback | 56 pages Dimensions 216 x 2...

1984 (9780881030365)

1984 has come and gone, but George Orwell's prophetic, nightmare vision in 1949 of the world we were becoming is timelier than ever. "1984" is still the great modern classic "negative Utopia" - a startling original and haunting novel that creates an imaginary world that is completely convincing from the first sentence to the last four words. No one can deny this novel's power, its hold on the imagination of whole generations, or the power of its admonitions - a power that seems to grow, not lessen, with the passage of time. Product details Format Book | 336 pages Dimensions ...

The Brain's Way of Healing : Stories of Remarkable Recoveries and Discoveries (9780141980805)

'This is a book of miracles. Fascinating... An absorbing compendium of unlikely recoveries from physical and mental ailments offers evidence that the brain can heal... brings Oliver Sacks to mind' Lisa Appignanesi, Observer The Brain's Way of Healing explores the astonishing advances in the discovery of neuroplasticity, showing that the brain has its own unique way of healing, only recently uncovered. Norman Doidge discusses a series of remarkable recoveries: patients told they would never improve have years of chronic pain alleviated or damage from debilitating strokes undone, and symptoms of multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, brain injury, autism or learning disorders are reversed. He also shows how the risk of dementia can be lowered by 60%. Using stories to present cutting-edge science, Doidge illustrates principles that everyone can apply to improve their brain's performance. Product details ...